Episode 61: Look Within Yourself and Seek Community with Others

Cindy shares how growing up, she did not feel she belonged in either the Chinese or Canadian culture. She discloses in high school, she realized the significance of being herself rather than seeking acceptance from the external. She notes the importance of getting to know your family, history, language, and culture. She voices the value of learning, unlearning, reflecting, and asking why. She suggests looking within yourself and seeking community with others in order to grow and make changes.

Cindy Au

I serve as the Manager of Operations and Outreach at Diversecities (formerly the Calgary Chinese Community Service Association), and Project Lead for our organization’s Anti-Racism Project. Since joining Diversecities in 2015, I have been involved in different capacities both as a volunteer and staff. However it is also through our collective efforts to serve the community that I also see the dark side of our society – racism, discrimination, and so on. I’ve come to realize that racism can hide in the subtle everyday connections we have with people, and that racism can also be internalized. Hence, the importance of raising awareness, fostering conversation and knowledge of resources.”


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