Episode 1: Founder and Ambassador of the Asian Gold Ribbon Campaign Speaks Intimately about Experiences of Racism

Gina shares her experiences as a young child growing up in Montreal. She has experienced overt and covert racism. She founded the Asian Gold Ribbon Campaign to raise awareness about anti-Asian racism that has come to the fore during this pandemic.

Dr. Gina Wong

Dr. Gina Wong founded the Asian Gold Ribbon campaign in 2021 driven by the desire for change in visibility of the racial inequities surrounding Asians in pandemic times. She is a Registered Psychologist and Full Professor in the Faculty of Health Disciplines, Master of Counselling Program at Athabasca University. She has published several books including Mothering in East Asian Communities: Politics and Practices (Duncan & Wong, 2014) and has delivered keynote addresses and workshops on a variety of topics including the impact of anti-Asian racism on our communities.


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